Your clients look to you for solid advice on charitable giving, and you can look to us every step along the way. Our expertise is philanthropy, and we serve as a partner to lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, and other professionals so that your clients can achieve their charitable goals through current giving and planned gifts. We work closely with you to meet both the charitable and tax objectives of your clients.


How We Can Support You

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Your Client is Interested in Creating a Fund

By establishing a fund today with a gift that is tax-deductible at the time it is made, your client is able to make grants at times and in amounts most advantageous to them and the charitable organizations they support in perpetuity.


Your Client is Interested in Securing Their Legacy

By leaving a legacy with the Foundation, your client can foster those things they love most in the community and preserve them for future generations while achieving the most favorable income tax benefits available.


Your Client has Complex Assets to Give

We have the expertise to guide you and your client through the process of converting complex assets to yield the greatest impact for their chosen charitable organizations, and their desired tax results.

How to Connect with Us

Interested in helping a client convert a private foundation, looking for more resources, or want to learn more about how we can help you?


FEATURED STORY: Tools for Involving the Next Generation: the Donor-Advised Fund

My clients don’t always come to see me with philanthropy foremost on their mind. Of course, sometimes they do, but often their focus isn’t on philanthropy. Instead, they have pressing family issues to cover that are a higher priority. Because of this, as their advisor, I believe that it’s often wise for me to bring up philanthropic possibilities when we meet. The use of a philanthropic component to the estate plan can not only mitigate taxes, both income and estate taxes, but it can also be used as an important teaching tool within the context of the family estate plan.

Frequently Asked Questions