Why It Matters
Since Fall 2020, the Foundation's education-focused work in grants and scholarships has been housed under one impact area: Education & Youth. Through these programs, we support community-based, youth-serving nonprofits and students themselves through post-secondary scholarships.
The Education & Youth impact area has three primary goals:
- Support youth ages 5-24 in developing their leadership capacity and ability to be involved in their community;
- Support them completing their current educational track; and
- Increase the number of youth able to both access and complete post-secondary education.
We know that students of all ages in our community face significant barriers to achieving their dreams and goals, including challenges with mental health, forming and maintaining healthy social relationships, and accessing the support needed to launch a career post-graduation. Triangle Community Foundation strives to be a genuine partner to students, their support networks, and the organizations that serve them. We commit to listening and learning from students at every opportunity and involving them as equal partners. We continue to be in awe of their passion, resilience, and leadership.
Current Partners
The following list of nonprofit organizations represent the grantees of the Foundation in conjunction with our focus areas; fundholders are not limited to granting to these organizations.
View a list of student-focused nonprofit partners since 2013.
Education & Youth
- Book Harvest
- Boomerang Youth, Inc.
- Boys and Girls Club of Wake County
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Durham and Orange Counties
- GiGi's Playhouse Raleigh
- Haven House Services
- Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County
- Orange County Arts Alliance
- Refugee Community Partnership
- StrongHER TogetHER
- The CORRAL Riding Academy
- The Emily K Center
- The Hope Center at Pullen
- UNC Office of Sponsored Programs
- World Relief Durham
Each year, the Foundation funds nearly 200 students with more than $600,000 in awards; many students continue to receive funding to support their education throughout their journey to a degree or credential.
Scholarship Recipient Advisory Committee
Our Scholarship Recipient Advisory Committee works alongside our staff to advise us on the accessibility of our scholarship application and ensure we are informed of real-time challenges and opportunities facing students. We are currently working to form our 2023-2024 committee and look forward to sharing details about these amazing students soon!