One of the ways we inspire and mobilize leadership, and educate the community on critical need is through our What Matters podcast. Each episode features a conversation between our staff members and people doing incredible things in our community. Watch it on our website or YouTube channel, or listen to the audio on our Spotify or Apple Podcast channels.

Special guests: Katie Rose Levin, Town of Cary; Tatiana Height, Partners for Environmental Justice Bert Armstrong, Armstrong McGuire; Andree Stanford, donor; Bill Stanford, donor [Foundation Staff: Ken Baroff]

Episode 10: Fund for the Triangle: The Impact of Collective Giving

Triangle Community Foundation Vice President of Development & Donor Engagement, Ken Baroff, is joined by Bert Armstrong of Armstrong McGuire, and donors Andree and Bill Stanford, to discuss Our Fund for the Triangle and the Impact of Collective Giving.

Special guests: Katie Rose Levin, Town of Cary; Tatiana Height, Partners for Environmental Justice [Foundation Staff: Sarah Guidi]

Episode 9: Our people and our planet: climate change, conservation, and community in the Triangle

On a special Earth Day episode, Triangle Community Foundation Program Officer Sarah Guidi is joined by Katie Rose Levin, Urban Forestry Manager for the Town of Cary and Tatiana Height, Program Director for Partners for Environmental Justice, to discuss climate change, conservation, and community.

Special guests: Jenni Owen, North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships; Ben Money, Department of Health and Human Services [Foundation Staff: Meg Buckingham]

Episode 8: A Year of Crisis: What We’ve Learned through Nonprofit and Philanthropic Partnerships

Triangle Community Foundation Director of Marketing & Communications Meg Farrell Buckingham is joined by Jenni Owen from the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships and Ben Money from the Department of Health and Human Services to discuss what we’ve learned through nonprofit and philanthropic partnerships.

Special guests: Anita Brown-Graham, UNC School of Government; Jeanne Tedrow, NC Center for Nonprofits [Foundation Staff: Lori O'Keefe]

Episode 7: Challenges & Opportunities: Where Have We Been & What is on the Horizon?

In this new year, Anita Brown-Graham from UNC School of Government, Lori O’Keefe from Triangle Community Foundation, and Jeanne Tedrow from the NC Center for Nonprofits come together to discuss what the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors continue to learn from the COVID-19 pandemic, exposed disparities, and racial inequity.

Special guests: Tych Cowdin, Executive Director, Communities in Schools of Chatham County; Ricky Hurtado, Co-Executive Director, LatinxEd; and Adeja Cheek, Scholarship Intern, Triangle Community Foundation [Foundation Staff: Sarah Battersby]

Episode 6: Learning During COVID: What’s Changed and Where Are We Going?

Triangle Community Foundation's Senior Program Officer for Education Initiatives talks with community members about education at all levels and the challenges students are facing right now, in addition to the existing digital divide, and impact of COVID-19.

Special guests: Monét Marshall, Artist, Artistic Director, MOJOAA Performing Arts Center; Brandon Cordrey, Artist, Executive Director, VAE Raleigh; Bernard Hsu, Foundation Fundholder [Foundation staff: Sarah Guidi and Alexandria Franklin]

Episode 5: The Impact of COVID-19 and Racial Inequity on the Triangle Arts Community

This episode's conversation highlights what is it like to be an artist during this time, what the arts do for our community, how funding can play into racial inequity, and from the donor perspective why it is so important to support the arts right now.


Special guests: Magan Gonzales-Smith, Durham Public Schools Foundation; Maria Peralta Porras, Recent graduate, Guilford College [Foundation staff: Sarah Battersby and Julia Da Silva]

Episode 4: The Immense Impact COVID-19 has had on Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected students in our region. From concerns over learning loss, food insecurity, and scholarship restrictions to housing and mental health factors, students of all ages have had to make unexpected changes amid an uncertain future. Our guests highlight some of the challenges that students have had to face, and what's still needed to ensure they can all thrive.


Special guests: Melinda Wiggins, Executive Director of Student Action with Farmworkers and Foundation Board Member; Michelle Bermeo Betancourt, Development Manager of El Pueblo; Bob Healy, semi-retired Professor of Environmental Policy at Duke University, fundholder at the Foundation; Kay Edgar, retired CPA and financial planner, fundholder at the Foundation [Foundation staff: Ebony West and Laurel Shulman]

Episode 3: Supporting Families Ineligible for Federal Aid During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated and deepened inequities that already existed in our community. Federal and state laws disqualified undocumented residents, agricultural workers, and others in our community from receiving this spring's stimulus checks, continued unemployment benefits, and additional resources. In April 2020, Triangle Community Foundation granted $25,000 from our Fund for the Triangle to five local nonprofits focused specifically on direct aid for these families, and our donors rallied, raising an additional $109,000 that was mobilized for this cause.


Special guests: : Monica Daye, Executive Director of Stand Up Speak Out; Alexandra Zagabayou, Executive Director of Student U; Stacey Donoghue, Executive Director of StrongHER TogetHER; Valerie Stewart, Director, Healthy Communities, Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation; Member, Triangle Capacity-Building Network [Foundation staff: Julia Da Silva and Tanaya Suddreth Lynch]

Episode 2: The Importance of Funding Organizations Led BY & Serving People of Color

This episode dives into the work of nonprofits led by and serving communities of color - what work they are doing, why their work is important, why they need our dollars, and how their organization and their clients are being especially impacted by COVID-19. You'll hear from our Triangle Capacity Building Network (TCBN) as they shed light on why this type of funding is vital, highlighting the work being done in the crisis, and why our TCBN partners support this work.

WARNING: This episode features graphic discussion on sexual abuse and domestic violence, which may be triggering to some. The content in question begins at approximately 6:30.


Featuring Zulayka Santiago, NC Funder Collaborative for Strong Latinx Communities; Diane Amato, Founder of The Art of Giving; and Eric Guckian, President & CEO of United Way of the Greater Triangle. [Foundation staff: Sarah Guidi and Natalia Siegel]

Episode 1: A Quick Pivot to Rapid Response

The COVID-19 pandemic forced everyone to adapt to new ways of doing things, and for our region’s nonprofits, that quick pivot was of utmost importance because there were vital needs to be met in our community. In episode 1 of this series, you’ll hear from the donor and nonprofit perspective on why being flexible and maximizing impact was so important, what they saw in the beginning, and what changes they are hopeful will continue into the future.


What Matters: The Video Podcast Trailer

We are excited to announce our video podcast! You'll see the Foundation's staff interview nonprofits, donors, and community leaders in the Triangle and hear their impactful and inspiring stories.