Donor Stories

Triangle Community Foundation is the leading expert on local philanthropy, giving trends, and critical issues. We strive to be clear and informative about the work we do to enhance life in the Triangle, and we pride ourselves on being a trusted resource for media and other community partners.

Curi Capital | Maximizing Impact

Professional advisors are important partners for Triangle Community Foundation. Without them, we would not have nearly the reach with prospective donors, and we are very appreciative of these relationships. Curi Capital CEO, Dimitri Eliopoulos and Senior Director of Family Office

Katherine Seligmann & Rebecca Balter | Partners in Philanthropy

Mother-daughter duo Katherine Seligmann and Rebecca Balter concede that family philanthropy can be challenging due to the many different personalities and family dynamics involved, but can be successful with three things: 1) You share a core set of values, 2)…

Darryl Lester | Philanthropy Evangelist

For several decades, Darryl Lester has utilized a three-word phrase as a mantra for his work as a philanthropy evangelist and social uplift engineer – time, talent, and treasure. Whether lecturing to students about entrepreneurship, fellowshipping with fellow members of…

Bernard Hsu | Taking Time to Dig Deeper

Mindfulness is such an important concept to Bernard Hsu that he has the word tattooed on his arm (thanks to his daughter, a tattoo artist), and he applies that in just about every aspect of his life – his fitness…

David Dodson | Service as a Way of Life

David singing at the Oval Park July 4th Celebration in Durham. Photo courtesy of the News & Observer. "The more candid folks can be about struggles and opportunities they can’t quite seize helps make me a better donor, because I

Changing Course: Collective Giving During COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, it quickly changed the plans and workload of many local nonprofits, something the members of The Art of Giving (TAG) noticed immediately and took to heart. Wasting no time at all, the giving circle adapted…

A Mother’s Honor Becomes a Community’s Gift

Glioblastoma. Diagnosis of this particularly aggressive form of brain cancer shattered their world in 2004. The next year, they said goodbye to Caroline—a wife, mom of three, daughter, sister, and friend. Today, this family is making a difference in the…

Giving Your Time: Why Serve on a Nonprofit Board?

For Michelle Pavliv, it happened by accident. In 2004, when her friend suggested they join The National Charity League Inc., a national nonprofit organization with local chapters providing ways for mothers and daughters to serve in their communities together, Pavliv…

Tools for Involving the Next Generation: the Donor-advised Fund

My clients don’t always come to see me with philanthropy foremost on their mind. Of course, sometimes they do, but often their focus isn’t on philanthropy. Instead, they have pressing family issues to cover that are a higher priority. Because…

Top Ten Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board Chair

Good nonprofit Board Chairs are made, not born.  Here are ten practices to achieve best outcomes from the Board you are leading, written by Chuck ReCorr.          Every Board Member participates, but no one dominates.Chairs…