

GSK IMPACT Awards for the Triangle

This annual awards program honors up to 10 local nonprofit organizations in recognition of their exceptional achievements, overall excellence, and best practices in contributing to a healthier Triangle Region. This is the 28th year of the program in the United States. Individual awards of unrestricted funding are $50,000. Eligible minimum annual gross revenue for 501(c)(3) nonprofits must be at least $100,000 and not exceed $5,000,000.

GSK is proud to continue its partnership with Triangle Community Foundation in the administration of this awards program. This program is one of several charitable programs GSK offers in the United States as part of a commitment to building healthier communities and a healthy America.


Much of what influences our health happens outside the doctor’s office – in our communities. Factors such as access to healthy foods and recreational spaces undeniably contribute to our health. Where we are born, raised, live, and work matters to our health; yet too many individuals are living in communities that are hazardous to our health.


The more we understand the connection between our health and our community, the more we can improve it. GSK is a global biopharma leader with new ambitions and new purpose: to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. GSK goes beyond discovering, developing, and delivering new medicines and vaccines and addresses health challenges where they often start – in our communities.


GSK and Triangle Community Foundation staff review nonprofit registrations and invite eligible organizations to complete the application process. We work together to select 20 finalists. Site visits are managed and conducted by Triangle Community Foundation. A panel comprised of community health experts and GSK representatives evaluates the finalist applications and site visit reports and selects up to 10 winners.

NOTE: This is an extensive application with specific eligibility requirements. Interested applicants should read the following information in its entirety before registering. If you have questions, please contact the Foundation at

Application Guidance

There are a variety of factors that contribute to a healthier community that have been identified in the County Health Rankings & Roadmap model developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Through the GSK IMPACT Awards, we seek to recognize and honor exemplary nonprofit organizations that are making measurable impact on these community health factors, listed below. Please read more about each category and visit County Health Rankings & Roadmap for more information, including examples of evidence-based programs and interventions.

  • Community Safety– Programs that support: Healthy neighborhoods, safe streets, crime reduction, civil rights advocacy, community centers, etc. that help to build safe neighborhoods that are free from violence.
  • Education– Programs that support: Literacy, life skills, early learning and learning engagement, out-of-school-time, teacher support/development, curriculum quality improvement, coaching/mentorship etc. to help members of the community graduate high school or go on to post-secondary education.
  • Employment & Income– Programs that support: Job skills, professional training, resume assistance, career counseling, interviewing skills, etc. that help to reduce unemployment and increase earnings.
  • Family & Social Support– Programs that support: Life coaching/mentorship, elderly care and engagement, child care assistance, parenting support, counseling, etc. that help to reduce isolation and increase community engagement and support.
  • Housing & Built Environment– Programs that support: Shelter, safe housing conditions, home assistance, home ownership, transit systems, parks and green spaces, etc. that help to build healthy, connected neighborhoods.
  • Nutrition & Physical Activity– Programs that support: Healthy eating, exercise, sports, outdoor activity, etc. to help members of the community achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

Note: GSK is a global biopharma company with business areas that include pharmaceuticals and vaccines.  GSK’s US Charitable Investments charitable grants are not made and cannot be used to influence or promote the use of GSK products or services. For that reason, we refrain from providing grants and awards to organizations that give an appearance of a commercial business interest. Therefore, while we believe that organizations addressing all relevant health factors, including clinical care and access to care, are important, GSK charitable grants and awards must be limited to eligible organizations. 


IMPACT is an acronym that represents the guiding principles and criteria for this awards program. We seek organizations that demonstrate that they are:

  • Innovative – continually improving with vision, creativity, and leadership in solving pressing community health challenges
  • Measured – capturing quantitative and qualitative data to inform the design, implementation, evaluation, and continuous improvement of the program(s) and can demonstrate measurable outcomes
  • Partnered – engaging in meaningful collaboration within and across sectors
  • Accountable – maintaining good governance, including sound financials, strategic and diverse leadership, strong management, and stable operations
  • Community-centered – being inclusive, responsive, and adaptive to the changing needs and circumstances of the community
  • Transformative – acting as a component of the larger community health plan that is influencing systemic reform and interventions and is being replicated and/or taken to scale

In addition to the above criteria, applicants will also be assessed on their:

  • Commitment to racial equity as demonstrated by the organization’s mission and leadership
  • Commitment to improving community health


The following is the basic eligibility organizations must meet in order to apply for a GSK IMPACT Award:

  • Organization must have a 501(c)(3) IRS letter of determination verifying status as an independent nonprofit organization and is not classified by the IRS as a church, religious, political, or private foundation.
  • Organization must operate in at least one of the following North Carolina Counties: Chatham, Durham, Orange, and/or Wake.
  • Organization’s annual gross revenue must be at least $100,000 for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 and cannot exceed $5 million for those years. Note: Gross revenue should not reflect in-kind donations or pledges
  • GSK funding cannot exceed 50 percent of annual total operating expenses for those years.
  • Organization must address at least one of the following categories that affect health: Community Safety, Education, Employment, Family & Social Support, Housing & Built Environment, and/or Nutrition and Physical Activity.
  • Organization must meet IMPACT criteria by improving community health, being innovative, measured, partnered, accountable, community-centered, and transformative, and by addressing racial equity in terms of the mission and senior leadership.
  • Organization must not be a GSK customer or affiliate of customer organizations/institutions, including academic medical centers, foundations of customer organizations, clinics, home health or visiting nurse agencies, medical treatment centers, hospices, hospitals, payers, wholesalers, and retailers. Note: If your organization is engaged in the delivery of healthcare, or facilitating access to healthcare, then your organization is likely not eligible.
  • Organization must not designate more than 25 percent of annual total operating expenses for patient advocacy.
  • Organization cannot receive a GSK IMPACT Award and another charitable grant from GSK in 2024. Note: This does not apply to charitable grants from the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Matching Gifts program.
  • Organization must not have won a GSK IMPACT Award in 2022 or 2023 (other prior GSK IMPACT Award winners may re-apply only if there has been substantial positive change and/or significant development in their programs and the organization can meet the above criteria).
  • Organization cannot employ any healthcare professionals as listed at the end of this overview.*


This is a two-step process:

Step 1 – Registration:  Organizations must first register online using Triangle Community Foundation’s portal. The registration period will open on March 15, 2024 and close on March 29, 2024 at 11:59pm. GSK will assess the eligibility of your organization. If your organization’s registration is approved, you will be sent an email with information to access the portal again to complete the application for a GSK IMPACT Award.

Step 2 – Application: Eligible registrants will be invited to submit an application online using Triangle Community Foundation’s portal. Applications will open on April 3, 2024 and must be completed in full by May 2, 2024 at 11:59pm.


Click here for a list of frequently asked questions.


The following is a timeline for the 2024 program:

Registrations Close:   March 29
Applications Close:    May 2
Finalists Selected:      Spring
Finalist Site Visits:      Summer
Winners Selected:      Summer
Winners Notified:      Summer

Public Announcement of Winners:   Fall

Documents Required

If your registration is approved, the following documents must be uploaded in the application step:

  • 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Letter
  • Signed W-9
  • Budget approved by the Board of Trustees for fiscal year 2022
  • Budget approved by the Board of Trustees for fiscal year 2023
  • Budget forecast for fiscal year 2024
  • Board of Trustees list including each member’s affiliation and degree(s)/credential(s)
  • Chart or list of paid staff including each member’s title and degree(s)/credential(s)

*Healthcare Professionals – 2024

Nonprofit organization is ineligible to compete if a member of paid staff currently holds any of these credentials:

AMA Medical Assistant – AMAS
Adult Nurse Practitioner – ANP
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner – ARNP
Bachelor of Dental Surgery – BDS
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – BSN
Certified Diabetic Educator – CDE
Certified Nurse Midwife – CNM
Certified Nurse Practitioner – CNP
Clinical Nurse Specialist – CNS
Certified Pharmacy Technician – CPT
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist – CRNA
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner – CRNP
Certified Registered Records Analyst – CRRA
Dental Assistant – DAS
Doctor of Dental Surgery – DDS
Doctor of Medical Dentistry – DMD
Dental Hygiene – DNH
Doctor of Osteopathy – DO
Doctor of Osteopathy and Juris Doctorate – DOJD
Doctor of Osteopathy with an MBA – DOMB
Doctor of Osteopathy with a Masters – DOMS
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine – DPM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine – DVM
Family Nurse Practitioner- FNP
Formulary Administrator – FORM
Licensed Nurse Midwife – LNM
Licensed Practical Nurse – LPN
Doctor of Medicine – MD
Doctor of Medicine with Juris Doctorate – MDJD
Doctor of Medicine with an MBA – MDMB
Doctor of Medicine with a Masters – MDMS
Mental Health Assistant – MHA
Master of Nursing – MN
Master of Science Dentistry – MSD
Master of Science in Nursing – MSN
Medical Student – MST
Medical Technologist – MT
Nurse Practitioner – NP
Oncology Clinical Nurse – OCN
Doctor of Optometry – OD
Physician Assistant – PA
Physician Assistant Certified – PAC
Post Anesthesia Care Nurse – PACN
PharmD MS – PDMS
Doctor of Pharmacy – PHRD
Registered Dietitian – RD
Registered Dental Hygienist – RDH
Registered Nurse – RN
Registered Physician Assistant – RPA
Registered Pharmacist – RPH
Registered Respiratory Therapist – RRT

About GSK

GSK is a science-led global healthcare company with a special purpose: to help people do more, feel better, live longer.  For more company information, go to

Please reach out to us if you have questions PRIOR to the deadline!