Shape Language by Maria Frati
Artist Statement:
My work is a mix of observation and personal fable about memory and experience in the natural world. I’m currently investigating the oppositional forces and tensions embedded in nature. For example the fragility and brutality of life cycles. These cycles were impactful on my young life in rural Maine where I spent lots of time observing and communing with these spaces. More recently, my journey through pregnancies, miscarriages and young children root me back to these spaces and their forces. I’m reminded of my animalness and the ways that this has made me feel powerless and small and simultaneously connected and alive. I hope my work conveys the movement, fragility and alchemy of these elements.
Meet the Artist
Maria Frati is an oil painter and relief printmaker who grew up in the woods of Maine and hails from a family of artists. Maria has exhibited in Seattle, Baltimore, Asheville and Portland, Maine. She also served as an Artist in Residence for the National Parks Foundation. Before relocating to Raleigh, Maria worked as a high school art teacher in New York City.
Follow Maria on social media here!
Interested in making a purchase?
If you are interested in purchasing from the artist, please click this link to view the price list alongside photos of each piece of art.
Why does the Foundation have an art gallery?
Because we believe that a strong commitment to the arts is an important part of our vision for the community.
As part of our focus on cultural arts, the Foundation's office space also serves as a rotating art gallery, for two main reasons: to support and foster local artists, and to encourage our community to connect and engage in meaningful conversation inspired by art. The Triangle Community Artists Gallery, housed within our office space at the Frontier in partnership with the Durham Art Guild (DAG), hosts artwork from local artists for periods of six months at a time. All artists in the gallery are chosen by a jury panel of fundholders and donors with an interest in the arts. The art on display, unless marked, is available for purchase. We are proud of this partnership with DAG, our jury of community leaders and arts-minded fundholders, and the artists we have the great pleasure of showcasing each cycle.
Due to COVID-19, we are offering a virtual art gallery only at this time.
Interested in learning how to turn your office into a curated art gallery?
Learn more about the DAG Art@Work program, and see how they can help you get started today!
Interested in getting your art displayed in our gallery?
Calls for art are for this exhibit are usually published in June. So keep an eye on Durham Art Guild and Triangle Community Foundation’s websites around that time!