Send A Kid To Camp




Since 1984, the Foundation has offered a grant to support students during the summer months. However, during COVID, we know that the learning needs of our students have drastically changed. For the 2022 cycle, Send A Kid To Camp will expand beyond the summer months to meet that need, and will focus on unfinished academic learning. We recognize the significant barriers many students have faced, including school closures and unequal access to technology, in finishing learning they began during the last three academic years. We also recognize the strength of our community, including children and their families, and want to partner with local nonprofits to build on successes, address needs, and help students work towards being on grade-level academically.

(Please note: The Foundation is not able to make grants to individual families or to camps serving children outside our four-county service area).

Grantmaking Criteria

Send A Kid To Camp grants will be $10,000 per year for two years (calendar years 2023 and 2024). Funds may be used to support needs related to helping students complete unfinished learning resulting from extended pandemic-related disruptions of school and afterschool programming including supplies and staff time.

Funding is intended to support K-12 students residing in Triangle Community Foundation’s service area: Chatham, Durham, Orange, and Wake Counties.

The Foundation will accept applications from organizations that:

  • Support K-12 students in addressing unfinished academic learning from the past three academic years.
  • Support students during the summer AND at least some portion of the academic year.
  • Support students of color, students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and/or students attending high-poverty schools.
  • Engage youth, families, and caregivers in programming (For example, having youth and/or parent advisory committee members, inviting youth and/or parent feedback on programs, having youth interns, youth and/or parent volunteers, etc.).


  • Charitable organizations defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), religious congregations, governmental agencies, or organizations working under fiscal sponsorship of a 501(c)(3) organization are eligible to apply.
  • Organizations should serve K-12 students (or a subset of that population) in at least one of the Foundation’s four counties: Chatham, Durham, Orange, and/or Wake.
  • Organizations must provide programming that includes an academic component during the summer and at least some portion of the academic year.
  • Organizations should involve students and/or families and caregivers in their work.

Important Dates

  • Application Opens:             August 1, 2022
  • Informational Webinar:     August 18, 2022 at 10:00am (View recording here.)
  • Proposal Deadline:             September 16, 2022
  • Grantees Announced:        Prior to January 1, 2023
  • Grant Reports Due:            January 2024 and January 2025

Applications must be submitted before 11:59pm on September 16, 2022.

Evaluation Criteria

Foundation staff work with volunteer advisory committee members to review proposals and reach grantmaking decisions. In reviewing grant proposals, the Foundation will use the following evaluation criteria:

  • Alignment with Send A Kid To Camp’s program goal focused on unfinished academic learning.
  • Youth/family involvement.
  • Ability to achieve goals/metrics established by organization.
  • Impact of programming on unfinished academic learning.
  • Financial stability.

Reporting Requirements

Grantees will be asked to submit a brief grant report during the mid-point (January 2024) and end of the grant (January 2025).

Please reach out to us if you have questions PRIOR to the deadline!