I know many things have been written about all that has transpired after November 8.  Many opinions and forecasts have been shared, and many questions remain. I’d like to offer this open letter to our community.

The morning after the election, I had the opportunity to participate in a ceremony where our nonprofit partner Triangle Family Services received a $200,000 grant from Bank of America. This grant is a game-changer for them, and as exhausted as I was after a long night waiting for results, it’s what I chose to focus on. Because despite our vast differences, I am choosing to focus on the work that still needs to be done here in our community, and the good work that’s already happening.

The season leading us to this day has been fatiguing. The outcome has left some of us celebrating a shift in policy and others of us deeply concerned for the future. While it may feel to some that we are more divided than ever in this moment, I can assure you that there is so much work to be done, and as your regional community foundation, we are here to do it. The reality is that we are and always have been one single community – and this is what drives our work and gives us focus.

Triangle Community Foundation is dedicated to making our community a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. We are committed to supporting positive change in the Triangle; ensuring that students are prepared for the future, that art is a part of our culture, that we conserve our natural resources, and that everyone who needs help in their lives, finds it. We are doing our part to live that mission every day, and while we may all come from different backgrounds, ideologies, and philosophies, I would like to think that we can all agree – we must work together to make our region stronger and better for everyone.

I sincerely hope that you will join me in ensuring that every person can participate in this positive change that we know is possible.  We believe that everyone needs to be a part of this conversation, and everyone has a role in finding solutions for the challenges that we still face in our region, and in our country. Perhaps today more than ever, we are seeking to explore these spaces with you, where open and civil dialogue on issues facing us locally can take place. I encourage you to reach out to us – our staff wants to be included in your conversations, your discussions, and your solutions. Only by seeking to understand what lies ahead of us, can we make a difference for our future.



Lori O’Keefe

President & CEO