This text is from an interview with Perry Colwell, Board Member and Philanthropist
Why is giving back (philanthropy) so important to you? Do you have a story, or one specific instance in your life that started you on the path of giving to others?
Since my retirement from business some 20 years ago, most of my time has been spent working with Triangle nonprofit organizations I have done this as a volunteer Executive Service Corps consultant and as a member of boards of directors. Early on, this taught me what an important contribution nonprofits make to Triangle communities. So it became clear I also needed to help financially as best I can. Both the hands-on work and the gifts are personally rewarding in many ways.
How do you think Triangle Community Foundation has helped donors advance their charitable interests and made a difference serving people and places in the Triangle?
The fact that the Foundation made 11.6 million in grants to nonprofits over the past twelve months speaks volumes about TCF fund holders and their commitment to Triangle communities and people.
What impact do you think Triangle Community Foundation has had helping nonprofits serve their clients and making the Triangle a better place to live and work?
I know from personal experience that the Foundation has provided funding to assist the Executive Service Corps of the Greater Triangle provide consulting services to nonprofits that has improved their ability to carry out their missions. There are many success stories here and many more are currently being written.
What role do you think Triangle Community Foundation has played serving as a resource for local issues and raising awareness about them?
The Foundation has always been sensitive to and aware of pressing community issues. TCF has been active in trying to bring awareness of important issues to fund holders and help them direct their resources in ways that will target these issues. But the best is yet to come- I am so pleased and excited about TCF’s new Community Programs initiative that is currently being rolled out. I know it will make even more of a difference to people and places in the Triangle.