Elizabeth Arias

Job Title(s)
Partner, Womble Bond Dickinson LLP

About Elizabeth

Elizabeth Arias is a partner with Womble Bond Dickinson LLP where she provides a wide array of estate planning, fiduciary litigation, tax planning and private wealth services to clients who are seeking to strategically manage their wealth in a way that allows them to achieve their estate planning goals and objectives and to do so as tax efficiently as possible. Liz is a member of the American College of Trusts and Estates Council (ACTEC). She is a past chair of the Estate Planning and Fiduciary Law section of the North Carolina Bar Association. She is an active member of the Legislative Committee for the Estate Planning and Fiduciary Law section with over 15 years of experience assisting in drafting North Carolina’s trusts and estate legislation. Liz is listed in Best Lawyers in America, including Lawyer of the Year in 2015 in “Litigation: Trusts and Estates”, was named one of the 100 Top lawyers in the State of North Carolina in Super Lawyers and was named by Business North Carolina as one of its Legal Elite.