
Triangle Community Foundation is the leading expert on local philanthropy, giving trends, and critical issues. We strive to be clear and informative about the work we do to enhance life in the Triangle, and we pride ourselves on being a trusted resource for media and other community partners.

Introducing Our Five-Year Strategic Plan | Making More Possible

At the conclusion of our 40th anniversary celebrations in 2023, we embarked on a strategic planning process to plot the course for the next phase of Triangle Community Foundation, working with The Giving Practice alongside all our major stakeholders. We…

2024 Scholarships Round-Up

Triangle Community Foundation administers many scholarship funds established by individual donors and organizations, each with a unique set of eligibility criteria and application processes. Additionally, the Student Assistance Fund provides one-time cash assistance to eligible students to assist with needs…

Updated Demographics of the Foundation

In an ongoing effort to model the transparency Triangle Community Foundation asks of our grantees, we are pleased to share updated demographic information related to our staff and Board of Directors as of July 1, 2024. As a community foundation,…

Juneteenth | Ways to Engage in the Community

Juneteenth, celebrated on June 19th, marks the historic day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in the United States were informed of their freedom, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Since that time, June 19th has become…

June is Pride Month | Find an Event Around the Triangle

  The diversity of our region strengthens our community all year long, and this month Triangle Community Foundation is thrilled to celebrate Pride! We are dedicated to fostering a more vibrant community where everyone is seen, heard, and valued. We…

August is Make a Will Month

Did you know only one-third of individuals in the United States have a will? In recent years, the month of August has been set aside as the annual reminder of the power of planned giving and to ensure your will…

Honor and Celebrate Juneteenth

June 19, 1865 marks the day when the last enslaved people in the United States learned they were free. Although the institution of slavery is no longer present in our country, violence, discrimination, and racial inequities persist for the Black…

Celebrate Pride Month

  The diversity of our region makes our community stronger year-round, and the Foundation is excited to celebrate Pride Month this June. We are committed to building a more vibrant community – one where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.…

The Power of Giving Circles

By Natalia Siegel, Senior Donor Engagement Officer In a recent article in Triangle Business Journal, Foundation President & CEO Lori O’Keefe spoke about the power and importance of collective giving, and how community is supported and nourished by many people…

The Case for Unrestricted Grantmaking

By Natalia Siegel, Senior Donor Engagement OfficerIn philanthropy, there are several different ways one can grant money to an organization, and they range from rigid requirements to no strings attached. While we understand why donors may prefer to dictate…